Tips to Stay Safe on Prom Night

Prom night – an evening that teens dream about their entire lives and a night that parents dread. Unfortunately, for too many teens and parents annually, prom night ends in tragedy. As the well-deserved celebration of high school juniors and seniors nears, it is important for teens and parents alike to understand the risks and how to avoid them.
Whatever your plans for the evening, Life360 is here to help with our prom night safety tips.
Prom Night Safety Statistics
The most common danger teens will come across on prom night is road safety. Here are some statistics that are important for parents and teens to know:
- One-third of all teen deaths occur in alcohol-related collisions between April to June
- Nearly 41% of teens between 16 and 19 are likely to drink and/or use drugs during/after prom
- 84% of teens believe their friends are more likely to drive impaired than call their parents for a ride
- 22% of teens report they’d rather ride with an impaired peer than call their parents for a ride
- 54% of teens admitted to drinking during/after prom
10 Prom Night Safety Tips for Teens
- Never leave a drink unattended or take a new drink from a stranger
- Set up a ride to and from prom
- Never drive impaired
- Never get in the car with someone that you know has been drinking – even if they say they are fine to drive
- Wear seatbelts when on the road
- Keep your phone charged – you never know when you may need to use it
- Don’t over drink – alcohol poisoning is unfortunately common on prom night
- Stick with your friends – don’t wander off alone, and don’t let friends wander off along
- Share your location with your parents – you never know when you may need their help
- Have fun!
8 Prom Night Safety Tips for Parents
- Download Life360 to ensure your teen is protected by crash detection, SOS alerts, emergency dispatch, and location sharing
- Talk about the dangers of drug and alcohol use
- Set rules for your teen, but don’t be unrealistic or too strict
- Hire a ride to and from prom – if you don’t give them the option to get in the car with a drunk driver, they won’t.
- Create trust with your teen – promise they won’t get in trouble for drinking if they call you for help. This reduces the chance they will make life-changing decisions.
- Confirm the location of any prom after-parties
- Be ready for a phone call from your teen, and be open to driving them home from the after-party
- Open your home to the after-party – if you are able to ensure a safe environment, you can ensure that teens are safe in your home.
Keep Your Teen Safe on Prom Night with Life360
Don’t let bad decisions ruin what could have been a perfect night. Life360 offers a prom night safety solution for parents and teens alike. With features such as Place Alerts, SOS Alerts, Bubbles, Crash Detection, Location Sharing, and Roadside Assistance, parents can feel at ease that their teens are protected on the road. Register online for Life360 today.